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Training Accounting Software II Using Ms. Excel

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Training Accounting Software II Using Ms. Excel

Kategori : Training Mahasiswa


Hari 1
Skedul Training
09.00 – 12.00
1. Pengenalan Akuntansi Excel
- Copy File Axcel Accounting
- Create Company Profile
2. Account
    - Create COA
    - Opening Balance GL, Opening AP/ AR
3. Master Data
- Create Vendor,Customer,Employee,

13.00 – 15.00
4. Transaction
    - Penjualan/ Sales to AR, Sales to cash
    - Pembelian/ Purchase to AP, Sales to cash
    - Pajak PPN in/out, WHT

5. Diskusi Interaktif
Hari 2

09.00 – 12.00
1. Cash and Bank
    - Receive Money to cash / bank
    - Spend Money to cash / bank
2. Jurnal Memorial
    - Adjustmen transaction
3. Fixed Asset
    - List Fixed Asset
    - Depreciation

13-00 – 15.00
4. Reports
    - GL, TB, B/S, Profit & Loss, Customizing Layout 

5. Diskusi Interaktif

Biaya Reguler Rp 550.000 (Lima ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah)
Discount 10% pendaftaran lebih dari 5 orang
Running kelas minimal 2 orang

Biaya Private Rp 825.000 (Delapan ratus dua puluh lima ribu rupiah)
Kelas private bisa di laksanakan kapan saja

Untuk Inhouse Training Minimal  Peserta 5 Orang

wa. 08988281350

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