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Daftar Grand Theory yang Digunakan di Berbagai Disiplin Ilmu

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Daftar Grand Theory yang Digunakan di Berbagai Disiplin Ilmu

Grand Theory

Berikut kami  merangkum berbagai Grand theory popular berbagai disiplin ilmu. Daftar ini bisa bertambah seiring dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan
  1. Agency Theory
  2. Absorptive capacity
  3. Actor-network theory
  4. Adaptive structuration theory
  5. Administrative behavior, theory of
  6. Argumentation theory
  7. Clasical Management
  8. Chaos theory
  9. Cognitive dissonance theory
  10. Cognitive fit theory
  11. Competitive strategy (Porter)
  12. Complexity theory
  13. Contingency theory
  14. Critical social theory
  15. Diffusion of innovations theory
  16. Dynamic capabilities
  17. Ecological Symbolic Theory
  18. Ecological Modernization
  19. Evolutionary theory
  20. Expectation confirmation theory
  21. Feminism theory
  22. Game theory
  23. General systems theory
  24. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
  25. Hermeneutics
  26. Illusion of control
  27. Information processing theory
  28. Institutional theory
  29. Knowledge-based theory of the firm
  30. Learning Organization
  31. Management by Objective (MBO)
  32. Maslow’s Need Theory
  33. Media richness theory
  34. Organizational information processing theory
  35. Organizational knowledge creation
  36. Organizational Learning
  37. Organizational Behavior
  38. Path Goal Theory
  39. Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
  40. Rational choise
  41. Real options theory
  42. Resource-based view of the firm
  43. Resource dependency theory
  44. Risk Society Theory
  45. Scientific Management
  46. Self-efficacy theory
  48. Social exchange theory
  49. Social cognitive theory
  50. Social network theory
  51. Social capital theory
  52. Socio-technical theory
  53. Soft systems theory
  54. Structuration theory
  55. Task-technology fit
  56. Technology acceptance model
  57. Theory of planned behavior
  58. Theory of reasoned action
  59. Transaction cost economics
  60. Transactive memory theory
  61. Total Quality Management (TQM)
  62. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
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1 Response to " Daftar Grand Theory yang Digunakan di Berbagai Disiplin Ilmu "

Mahda Ulfa mengatakan...

Assalamualaikum pak, menurut bapak dengan judul "Pengaruh Kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi dan kinerja auditor terhadap keinginan berpindah kerja auditor" teori yang baik digunakan apa ya pak? Terima kasih sebelumnya pak